
With Fall comes rain
And golden leaves
Mirrored reflections
On every street.
I reflect myself
How this year has been
The good and bad
The in-between.
I travelled far
To new lands and old.
Saw many things
I had never seen before.
Then there were also 
long-held favourites,
A bird. A flower.
A special light when it falls 
just that way.
Books were read
Many new thoughts
Wisdom of generations
That I also know now.
Some new friends were made
Each special in their very own way.
Some people moved away.
No longer any part to play.
Same old me or have I changed?
I think I'm a shade better
'New improved'?
Not really 
But wiser, saner, calmer...


p.s. And older.... Definitely!!

Simply Put


This and that