I'm addicted to light.
To colours and sounds.
The magic they play
Within and without.
I'm addicted to sunrises
Peaches and pinks
From snowy mountain tops
And deep quiet lakes.
When outdoors in nature,
and sunset light slants down.
Between trees so straight
Growing up tall.
Or in big cities between buildings,
this golden light falls.
Makes magic one moment,
then fades and is gone.
Mighty tall buildings
With glass windows that shine
To the light of the sun
and the street lamps at night.
The sounds of flowing water,
birds twittering loud.
Hearing people’s laughter and talk.
It’s good to be alive
To experience this all.
Walking amidst people
or on forest paths alone.
Immersed in the moment,
it’s sights, smells and sounds.
Addicted and lost
It's me that I found.